What do you mean you can "explain the remnant"?
I'm curious but it can't be very convincing if its taking you so long to put it together. Is it going to be anything like one of OBVES or JCanon's calculations??
i prove that i am a whiz kid when it comes to math.
i can explain the remnant by math, want to know?
What do you mean you can "explain the remnant"?
I'm curious but it can't be very convincing if its taking you so long to put it together. Is it going to be anything like one of OBVES or JCanon's calculations??
Nicely put together but its too short. Unless someone is already aware of the JW pedo controversy, this will mean nothing to them. Most JW's will just look at it and go: "Huh? What was that all about?....everyone religion has some pedos in it. So what if this perv just happened to be at Bethel."
in this thread i mentioned having a long chat with an elder last summer.
i didn't realize i had never posted the story, so here it is.. last summer (when i went to buy my new camera lens) i ran into one of my favorite jws at the photography shop.
he was buying a camera bag for his new dslr, and i saw him, went up and greeted him, hugged him.
He said 1. it sounded like a conspiracy, and that the courts were likely manipulated,
That comment would have infuriated me. Just sums up how thoroughly brainwashed most elders are. So when the Courts rule in favour of JW's it is the "earth" swallowing up Satan's machinations but when the Courts rule against the organisation it is some diabolical conspiracy. Pathetic. You cannot reason with people like this who are totally irrational & biased.
if I could just overlook that and "hang on for 1-2 more years, we would be in the new system and it would be over. Jehovah would deal with it. Wouldn't it be worth 1-2 more years of endurance to be in paradise?"
That is equally as pathetic. What a fool this man is. How long has he swallowed this crap..that the end is just around the corner. A dreamer, living in a dream world! Make sure you chase him up in 5 years time to remind him of his comment here.
for those that have trouble with the wts's deductive reasoning, please enjoy the watchtower comments for today's text.. http://examiningthescripturesdaily.blogspot.com/.
it's a real "jaw dropper.
" .
Shocking! The sentences I have underlined from that days text (copied in full below) are actually mysticism and a form of spiritualism. All chimerical, speculative nonsense. The Watchtower loses all credibility when they publish this kind of embarassing codswallop:
"When did the first resurrection begin? In a vision, the identity of the "great crowd" was revealed to John by one of the 24 elders, and these elders represent the 144,000 joint heirs with Christ in their heavenly glory. (Rev. 4:4; 7:9-15; Luke 22:28-30) Since John was still a man on earth when the elder spoke to him, John must represent anointed ones on earth. Thus, it seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today. The correct identity of the great crowd was revealed to God's anointed servants on earth in 1935. If one of the 24 elders was used to convey that important truth, he would have had to be resurrected to heaven by 1935 at the latest. That would indicate that the first resurrection began sometime between 1914 and 1935. w07 1/1 2:5, 10, 11"
does anyone know where i can find reprints of the "resolutions" that comprise the "scorpion stings" and the "trumpet blasts" of revelation as explained in the revelation climax book?.
i have lately become very curious about the contents of these resolutions and proclaimations, since the wts currently praises the bible students for publishing and distributing these "scathing denunciations".. i bet they are just filled with false prophecies, too.
my idea is to show the resolutions in question and ask: even if the "trumpet blasts" really are divine judgment messages, would outstandingly bold false predictions reasonably be any part of these divine judgment messages?.
Good point Auldsoul. Look forward to seeing your critique of these divine trumpet blasts.
Very well done Sir Nose...one of the better reviews I've seen.
i was thinking about the different stages we go through when we start to find out the lies of the jw.
i find they are similar to the stages someone might go through when they find out they are going to die soon.
i think this one is obvious.
Agreed Anti-Christ. The denial comes after the disturbing information stage that creates the cognitive dissonance, not after the epiphany stage. That makes more sense. Thanks.
here is a question i've been wanting to ask hubby: "why do you want to be a jw?
" and i don't want ethereal answers like "they have the truth" "everlasting life" and other such nonsensical ramblings.
i am not a member of any organized religion and i don't see the appeal.. can anyone answer the question with a concrete reason?.
Very good point JWfacts. It makes me wonder whether a religion should be judged by what it gets right or by what it gets wrong?
That would make a good topic for starting a new thread on.
pat robertsons doom and gloom forecast for 08 (his 07 forecast that the us would be hit by a major terrorist attack was incorrect).
reminded me so much of the watchtower's constant doom messages: definitely rule by fear.
if you do this you will be destroyed, so will your kids.. if you do this you will be disfellowshipped and lose all your friends and family.. if you don't go out in service you will be marked as bad association.. and of course every natural or man made disaster meant the end was coming soon soon soon.. it takes a lot of effort to overcome the fear paralysis instilled in us by the watchtower.. and it doesn't just go away and stay away, conquering fear is not a one time event, it is instead.
Yes, Watchtowerism is primarily all about fear, not love. Most of the teachings that keep Watchtowerites enslaved to their religion are all to do with fear. Fear of Armageddon, fear of disfellowshipping, etc, as you note. Take all that fear away and Watchtowerism would shrivel up overnight.
"there'll be one more child in this world to carry on...to carry on.
" - blood sweat and tears.
Dude have you been on the wacky backy today?